Accurate Estimation & Costing For Competitive Tendering Process

Designed by IIT Delhi professionals with experience of more than 40 years in construction industry. This special course is required in today's dynamic business landscape, the ability to accurately estimate construction and finishing works costs is a cornerstone of success. This course meticulously designed to empower you with the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of estimation, ensuring your projects are not only meticulously planned but also financially sound.

Our Key Points

1Course Duration
3 Months ( All classes will be conducted on weekends so that you can continue with your existing studies, work or job. )
2Course Content
  • Fundamentals of Estimation Understanding essential principles and techniques for accurate estimations.
  • . Costing Methods and Analysis Breaking down costs and conducting comparative analyses for informed decision-making
  • Tools and Technologies for Estimation Leveraging software and emerging tech for precise project cost estimations.
  • Risk Assessment and Management in Estimation Identifying and managing uncertainties to mitigate risks in cost estimation.
  • Case Studies and Real-World Applications Learning from successes and failures in estimation through practical examples.
  • Ethical Considerations in Estimation Understanding ethical dilemmas and ensuring transparency in cost estimation practices
  • Effective Communication of Estimates Mastering the art of presenting and justifying cost estimates to stakeholders with clarity and confidence.
3Live Projects
  • Estimation and Costing for Construction of Multistoried Commercial Building.
  • Estimation and Costing for Industrial Buildings and Machine Foundations of Fertilizer Plant.

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